Thursday, 20 June 2013

Day3, Imagine Cup 2013 @Langkawi

the third day, we walk around the island Langkawi together all participants imagine cup, the Icelandic Hoping. we visited Pulau Dayang Bunting, Beras Basah Island, and also look more closely eagles and most importantly, shopping.
before boarding the flight, we enjoyed  marry brown before leaving Langkawi.


at Pulau Dayang Bunting

swimming time

boat riding

Beras Basah Island

good bye Langkawi.till we meet again

Day2, Imagine Cup 2013 @Langkawi

as early as 9am, presentation and evaluation sessions until 11:30 am.
later, the announcement of a successful top6 finals announced through a small ceremony. 2 out of 3 successful SME representatives to the next level, which is the procrastinators and The Enchanter.
presentation done again in a closed room in front of about eight judges. Last session conducted at 2 pm until 5 pm.
at night, the closing ceremony was held to announce who won the competition for this year's Imagine Cup, 2013. Congratulations to The procrastinators who won the best presenter and carries a cash prize of RM1000 and RM1000 consolation prize. congratulations also to The Enchanter who won the consolation prize of RM1000. important, all got a very nice experience and can try for the next year.

The Enchanter

The Zephyr

Dr Dalbir and The Procrastinators


Best presenter,The Procrastinators

consolation prize,The Enchanter

Day1, Imagine Cup @Langkawi 2013.

arrival we were met by the organization Imagine cup. upon arrival at the hotel accommodation, participants imagine cup of SMEs enjoy lunch provided.
later, we visited the site of the booth and do a little preparation ahead of the competition tomorrow.
at night, the barbecue after all participants coming from all over malaysia Imagine cup held. Our meals are provided by highly favors. thank you imagine cup 2013.

Dr Rosmadi and The Zephyr

Dr Dalbir and The Procrastinators

booth set up

BBQ time

our seat

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Teams that will be represent UKM in the ImagineCup Malaysia Final 2013.

Hello and Happy Imagine Cup to all of you.
After evaluation of the 6 videos submitted shortlisted teams, the top 3 teams of ImagineCup UKM which have been chosen by the committee to represent UKM are:

1. The Procrastinators: SchoolCube

2. Zephyr: Trax System
3. Multihope: LifeSaver

And the result is:
CONGRATULATIONS! Arc Catalyst, Zephyr n the Procrastinator teams have been selected to Imaginecup Malaysia final in Langkawi. UKM had sent 4 applications.

Here are videos from selected teams that will represent UKM to the ImagineCup Malaysia final in Langkawi this May 2013.

MultiHope- LifeSaver

The procrastinator - project schoolcube

Team Zephyr - Trax video

Arc Catalyst!AGxOKe_FXbDQRM0

Monday, 1 April 2013

Microsoft Carnival at Pusanika,UKM 17th April 2013

Microsoft Carnival will be held on 17th April 2013 at Pusanika UKM from 10.00 am until 5.00 pm with exciting games play,cool prizes to be grab and Windows 8 devices to be try, and most of all,other hardwares are up for sale on that day!

Any enquiry,email one of the MSP UKM for more details.

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Second Organization Of ImagineCup FTSM,UKM meeting

On 28th March 2013,a meeting to discuss about the upcoming event occured.
The discussion is about the position of the organization,sponsorship for the event,addition competition and many more.

The committee have shortlisted 6 teams for further review to be selected for top 3. The shortlisted teams are:

1. The procrastinators
2. zephyr
3. MultiHope
4. buzz
5. ARC Catalyst
6. resonance

Well done and hope that we will be able to choose the best 3 to represent UKM;)

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Deadlines of the UKM ImagineCup 2013

Below are the timeline suggested by the committee to assist you to meet the deadlines.

1) 22 Feb :: Registration of team (brief description of idea and team)
2) 3 Mac (Sunday) :: brainstorm on ideas
3) 14 Mac :: Submit 10 min video inclusive of imaginecup intro clip to 
4) 18 Mac :: You will receive feedback to improve the video from the panel.
5) 27 Mac :: UKM final
    a. Booth style
    b.10 min oral presentation and demo the system
    c. Price giving to winners.
6) 1-10 April :: Submit final video for Malaysia semifinal (top 3)